Sunday, March 11, 2012

Adventures with Humphrey

My students are in for a big surprise this week! I can't wait to see their reactions when Humphrey's bag gets delivered to our classroom. Who will persuade me to let them take Humphrey home? Wait until I tell them that Humphrey will be spending time with each one of them:)

I am really excited to share this take home bag with you as it has been in the works for quite some time. My students and I have just begun our persuasive writing unit in writing workshop. On a constant quest to make writing purposeful and enjoyable for my students, I have found The World According to Humphrey to be an excellent resource to build a persuasive unit around.

One of the best resources to jump start this type of unit with primary students is Should There Be Pets? This is a topic that young children can connect to and is a great resource for teaching skills such as fact and opinion. We will be exploring this resource over the next few days in class.

I have already read The World According to Humphrey to my students. They have gotten to know him on a personal level including his likes and dislikes. They have even learned a thing or two about taking care of a hamster thanks to Betty Birney's excellent style of writing. I think they will have a lot of fun putting together a persuasive letter that explains why they should have the opportunity to take him home.

This take home bag is a wonderful way to get students and parents involved with writing at home. The bag is designed so that everyone has roles that make the project successful. If your interested in raising the quality of your students' writing or looking to add to an existing writing unit, consider using traveling packs as part of the learning process.

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